Managing Director, Owner
Dr. Valerie Golan
Prior to founding GoLAN Consulting in 2003, Val Golan held senior technical marketing and managerial positions at global companies such as Elron, Comverse Technologies, and within the RAD group. In her last position at PANDATEL Inc as VP Marketing / GM, she was responsible for the marketing and management of the US subsidiary of a publicly -traded European company. This role introduced her to the world of operations and HR Management, which became her main focus and area of expertise. Val joined a large global non-profit in January 2015 as their Chief People Officer managing the HR, training, payroll and organizational development departments. This role is exposing her to a variety of situations related to Human Capital across several US states, and globally.
Val has helped dozens of Israeli startups, mainly in the field of high-tech and bio-tech, with their first steps in the US market, setting up the HR strategy, infrastructure, and assuring legal compliance. Some of her clients, for which she serves or has served as advisory, such as Waze, Secure Islands, Aorato, and Neebula, realized successful exits, while others, such as Feex, Stratoscale, Cybersixgill, and NRgene, are growing and gaining market share in the US.
Val is an executive member of the Forbes HR Council and has published several papers and articles in professional magazines (such as Fiber Technologies, Telecom Magazine and ComputerWorld) and written business columns in Globes, Maariv and Yedihot NJ. She was a guest lecturer and speaker at Columbia University, and at a large number of Israeli-American business organizations.
Val holds a Master's of Science and an ABD PhD in Management (Information Systems and Organizational Behavior) from the Recanati Faculty at Tel-Aviv University and an MBA / Accelerated Doctoral Program (International Marketing and Finance) from the Institut Europeen des Affaires in France. She completed her first Ph.D. dissertation on the subject of Distance Learning in 1998 and her second dissertation on the efficacy of Cross-Cultural competence of US CEOs of Israeli Tech companies in 2012 - this time at an online US institution, NorthCentral University. She is fluent in most Western European languages and in Hebrew.
Val's Expertise
Human Capital strategy, Talent Acquisition and Retention, HR Best practices, Performance Reviews, Benefits and Compensation, Coaching and Training programs, Conflict Resolution, Organizational Development, Change Facilitation.